Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Expression Lines

I realize this is opening myself up to mass scrutiny, but lately I have noticed that perhaps a few "expression lines" are making their way onto my forehead. Please don't try and check them out next time you see me, or at least please be discrete if you do.

Anyway, I started to freak out and immediately went to Clinique. I know, Chanel was the better option but hey- this is a girl on a teacher's salary fix for early aging. The lady at Clinique told me that I didn't have wrinkles but had "expression lines." RIGHHTTT.

Being mindful of my personal psyche and well being I'll go with this "expression line" gobbledygook (good one right??)

Of course this doesn't pinpoint my problem, but maybe it highlights yours

This panic is compounded by a few recent events:

1. My 22 year old sister recently declared that she wanted Botox and that I was lucky to have good skin... but then proceeded to take a deeper look and said, "Well, I guess you could get some on your forehead."

2. Today, one of my kiddos asked me if I was alive during 1957. Really? To compound this, one of my kids defended my honor by declaring "Come on! She was born in like 1970." Thanks but no thanks, punk.

I started reading up on this expression line theory and I suppose there is a bit of validity to it- they are lines caused by an expressive face. This makes sense considering I've always been told that you can read exactly how I'm feeling because I wear my emotions on my face. The good news: there are exercises that can help get rid of these! 

The bad news: if I don't learn how to become a stone faced wiatch I mean expressionless, they will get worse and turn into full blown wrinkles (Thank God Mike put a ring on it!)

Nope, no expression lines here. Ice Queen does boast some scary lips, but beggars can't be choosers can they?

Here are some tips:

1. RELAX the facial muscles (heh, great, as always, stress explains a lot.) According to some sites, let your facial muscles "fall down."
2. Tap/massage lightly on the area that you see expression lines
3. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize (I have the driest skin on the planet. I'm part snake, I forgot to mention it, sorry.)
4. Repeat twice daily, for about 1-2 minutes each time.
5. Pray you get the good aging genes that your parents have  (I know, I know, Mom and Dad, this is why I am your favorite.)

If this blog post has interested you and if you too are suffering from "expression lines," apparently you are not alone. Lance Armstrong has some tips for you too. http://www.livestrong.com/article/194605-facial-exercises-to-eliminate-expression-lines/

On a completely different note: 

Oscar nominations are out and I cannot think of a more deserving movie than The King's Speech. I have not seen a movie in a LONG time that has made me this passionate about the Oscars, but all three of the main actors (Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Geoffrey Rush) are BRILLIANT and absolutely deserving of not just the Oscar nod but the Oscar WIN. GO SEE THE KING'S SPEECH!


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