I hope that took you back to the days of Tia and Tamara Mowry.
This is my sister, Kathryn:
Heh heh, just kidding. That is Kathryn's dog, Wrigley. Wrigley is part lab, part pit bull. According to Kathryn, she is a lab. Wrigley and I have a love/hate relationship because even though she can be sweet, she is a spaz and sometimes she annoys me. I prefer laid back animals, like Banks:
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Please ignore my wrinkled sheet |
Side story about Banks and the difference between Mike and I in a nutshell: Yesterday, Banks ate a little too quickly and threw up twice. I had already left for work and so I had no idea this happened until I asked Mike how Banks was (yes, okay, I'm a crazy cat lady.) Mike casually mentions 20 minutes into our Gchat conversation that Banks is sick and that I might want to wash the sheets. The cat had thrown up on MY SIDE of the bed and Mike just wiped it up and left for the library. To Mike's defense, he is in the middle of studying for the Bar. I, on the other hand, can hardly be around cat vomit (its a DISGUSTING smell) and would have sanitized our entire bedroom, washed all of the sheets and the comforter, and probably taken the day off to make sure Banks was okay. But, I'm a little neurotic. Thank you God for a laid back husband. On the other hand, transfer a little of my Type-A to him so that he never leaves cat vomit on my side of the bed again. Amen.
Anyway, here is a picture of Kathryn with Wrigley:
For those of you who don't have a sister, I'm sorry. For those of you who don't have Kathryn as a sister, I'm also sorry.
WARNING: the following paragraph is filled with emotions and love. I apologize in advance if that isn't your thing on a Friday morning. You can skip ahead.
Now, I can't get too mushy here because I might start crying and that would be inappropriate for where I am right now. But I do want to tell you about my little sister so that when I mention her you won't feel like she is a stranger.
Kathryn and her fantastic boyfriend, Wayne. |
First of all, she is fiercely loyal. For example, when I was in middle/high school she would listen in on my phone conversations (such a little sister thing to do, by the way.) When girls would call and be crass, she would yell at them! Not that I was a loser and had girls that were constantly calling me up to make me feel like crap, but when they did, Kathryn was there for me. On the other hand, she would also do this with boys that I liked. One time, when I was in 6th grade and a HUGE nerd, this popular boy named Joseph called my house (okay, I was a cute, shy nerd) and she announced on the phone that "I was going through puberty." He never called again. In retrospect, he wore Jncos and he was probably in a gang. SATown what what!
Secondly, Kathryn will be friends with ANYONE as long as they are a nice person with a good heart. I tend to be a little more selective. Not my sister- she loves all- including those that no one else wants to love. Kathryn goes to a college that I've heard rumors about being a little cliquish. Kath has many groups of friends and about 2000 friends on the FB (which obviously measures what a great friend you are).
Next, Kathryn is HILARIOUS. She was voted funniest person in her senior class and can always manage to make me smile. She is very smart and so this helps her whip wit out of her behind like no one's business. My knee slapping sense of humor always seems to get overshadowed by Kathryn's, but thats okay, this post isn't about me...
Also, Kathryn is very brave. You see, Kath has OCD. She has had to live with OCD (germs) since she a little kid and she still deals with it on a day to day basis. I can't talk much more about it because I am tearing up, but I wish that I was half as brave as my sister.
Last but not least, Kathryn is also great because she gives wonderful presents. For example, an 80 minute massage at Riviera Spa in Dallas.
Yesterday, I cashed in on Kathryn's gift with Jessica. All I have to say is go. Go now. Scratch out your plans and schedule a massage with Jessica today. This is what she kind of looks like:
I was a little nervous too.
But don't be, just go and let her rub and work her magic.
Also, and this is getting really personal, but I had never had my bum rubbed before. No, not in a weird way. I don't know if this is a normal practice in Dallas, but this was the first time I've experienced it. It also could have been the message I exuded when I walked into the room, "I'm okay with it if you're okay with it," you know, since I'm so laid back and all.
Either way, I have no regrets.
It was the best massage I've ever had.
Happy Friday y'all.
KRISTEN!! I just found your blog. Love it! Sorry about the cat vom, Will totally would have done the same thing. And WOW, completely forgot about JNCOs, definitely had some of those in Katy. Okay must catch up on old posts! xoxo